domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

Something About Me

Hi, this is me. I'm Jerry. I just turned 35 and my family got bigger during the last year. My sister got a beautiful baby who I got to be her proudly godfather and I decided to get married last February with a gorgeuos woman.  My brother lives in the US with my 2 nephews and he is into his way to marriage as well.  

I studied many things but nothings as rewarding as Teaching.  I loved it since I had the chance to teach for the first time. I did for for more than 5 years and I found that the expertise was useful for a different field. I work more in the Publishing sector nowadays and I help a lot of teachers how to develop professionally and hw to use of technology in class. 

I love reading manuals, playing the guitar, listening to music. Last year, I decided to take up Surfing.  I got just 1 class but it helped a lot in order to learn independently.  I love how peaceful it can get to be in the middle of the sea, waiting, praying, talking to my mom in heaven and asking God to provide us with good waves and keeping us safe.

I hope I can still be helping others and teaching after 10 years' time. Having a bigger family myself and teaching my kids right about the world could be inspirational too. 

There is a video I like for you. Have a great day!